• Canteen Canada understands the importance of a positive workplace culture. That’s why our Edmonton modern vending machines offer much more than snacks. They let your employees enjoy personalized service. Better break room solutions can improve employee retention. They even support...

  • Are you looking to attract top talent to your workplace? Companies must offer more than financial incentives in today's competitive job market. Consider also increasing your employee benefits. Break room perks like office vending can boost morale. Your employees will...

  • Consider subsidized vending options if you're looking for new ways to satisfy employees. This means giving them snacks and drinks at lower prices in your Calgary break room. By doing this, you can give your team a nice perk. It...

  • Are you looking for an office break room upgrade? It's time to consider a Shaughnessy micro-market. Micro-markets are like mini convenience stores right in your break room! Employees can grab their favorite snacks and drinks without leaving the office. Not...

  • Is your workplace running as well as it should? If not, add a Vancouver micro-market! These mini-stores can solve your productivity problems. How? For starters, employees can buy healthy snack choices 24/7. A micro-market also boosts morale. When employees are...

  • Taking a break and enjoying a cup of coffee or tea can make a big difference when you're at work. Having a good coffee break is essential. But it's not just about the caffeine. It's also about enjoying the moment...

  • Office coffee trends are always changing. It can be tough for businesses to keep up. However, staying on top of trends keeps your Montreal break room solutions fresh. This keeps your team happy. Thus, employee retention and satisfaction will rise....

  • In today's busy world, businesses realize how important it is to support employee wellness. This can boost workplace culture, keep employees happy, and even attract new ones. One big part of doing this is creating a healthy break room. But...

  • Have you ever skipped breakfast before work? If so, did you feel tired and distracted? Unfortunately, many employees are guilty of this on busy mornings. But not eating healthy does more harm than good. Luckily, offering healthy vending options in...

  • Living in Southwest Edmonton and nearby places like Windsor Park got even better. And that's especially true when it comes to snacking! Vending service from Canteen Canada ensures you have all your favorite snacks and drinks close by, making break...

  • Do your Edmonton break room services need a boost? If so, now is the perfect time to do so. Better break room solutions improve workplace culture. They also support employee well-being. A top-notch break room gives workers a place to...

  • A coffee break is one of the best parts of the workday. You can refuel, relax, and chat with coworkers. But do you know what makes these breaks even better? Quality coffee! A top-notch Edmonton office coffee provider can improve...

  • The air is crisp, and the leaves are changing to bright reds and yellows. Employees are also wearing cozy sweaters. This all means one thing: fall is in full swing! The holidays are also right around the corner. Thus, now...

  • In Saskatoon, our workplaces are changing. Companies are trying to make things better for their employees and create a great work atmosphere. One idea catching on in offices is vending machines, and Canteen Canada is the leader in this game....

  • The break room is the heart of the workplace. It’s where employees go to relax and recharge. Additionally, it’s a space where connections are made. Employees take coffee breaks together. They can chat as they fill their mugs. Thus, they...

  • Are you someone who loves coffee? If you enjoy your daily cup of coffee but have concerns about health myths associated with it, don't worry! Canteen Canada is here to clear up some common misunderstandings about coffee and share the...

  • At Canteen Canada, we're all about making the most of your office breaks. We know coffee breaks aren't just about a pause from work. They're about chilling out, being creative, and connecting with your team. That’s why we care about...

  • Is your staff snacking enough? If not, they should be! Why? Because healthy office snacks support employee wellness, that's why. They also boost productivity. This benefits employees and your business. Therefore, Kanata office snacks are a break room must-have! Curious...

  • Are you looking for innovative ways to enhance your company's workplace culture and boost productivity? Look no further! Our Cambridge office snacks service is just what you need - a simple yet effective tool to support your team and foster...

  • Grab-and-go food will make a big splash in your Toronto break room. Why? For starters, employees can enjoy healthy snacks on the go. This makes it super easy to make better-for-you choices. Secondly, it’s convenient. Your team can quickly nourish...

  • It's important to keep your Victoria team cool and hydrated during the hot summer months. That's why Canteen Canada has a custom hydration program that offers employees free or subsidized water and sports drinks. This program helps your team stay...

  • Let’s face it. It’s tough to eat right at work. From endless to-do lists to tight deadlines, who has time to enjoy a nutritious meal? Luckily, our premium fresh food program can help Montreal businesses everywhere. When you partner with...

  • Craft coffee has taken the world by storm, and there's no better time to bring this trend to your Québec City break room. The rise in popularity comes from several factors, including the emphasis on relationships, the support of local...

  • As the temperatures rise, it's important to keep your Regina break room stocked with healthy products to keep your employees energized and focused. A healthy break room is essential for promoting employee wellness in the workplace. By investing in refreshment...

  • Are you looking for ways to upgrade your office break room? Well, the best place to start is with your office snacks! Yes, really! Employees love having fresh new options to choose from. Therefore, now is the perfect time to...

  • Now more than ever, it’s important to make eco-friendly decisions about the products we use and the foods and beverages we consume. And that includes your Saskatoon office break room! Not only is sustainability better for the health and wellness...

  • An office coffee service is the heart of every great London break room. After all, it’s where employees start each morning and return to when they need a boost throughout the busy day. So, it might be time to give...

  • We offer a variety of break room solutions, such as water filtration solutions, coffee services, and fan-favorite office snacks throughout Kanata. With years of experience, we know what it takes to provide the best break room experience. We use that...

  • Spring is around the corner, and your home isn’t the only thing that needs cleaning! This seasonal transition is also the perfect time to freshen up your Edmonton refreshment services. From new break room must-haves like tasty snacks and beverages...

  • If you’re ready to upgrade your workplace benefits, we recommend starting with your Calgary coffee service. After all, Canadians consume more coffee than tap water... So, you might want to consider adding it to your break room. As Calgary's go-to...

  • Creating an excellent office environment starts with your refreshment services. After all, the break room is where Kingston employees relax between tasks and collaborate with their peers. Whether it’s a small startup or a large distribution center, providing healthy products...

  • Employee wellness is a key factor to consider when it comes to your Toronto refreshment services. In today’s world, people want healthy options readily available. Therefore, having a well-stocked break room is a must! So, meet your team’s wants and...

  • The new year is underway, and there’s no better time for a break room refresh! A great place to start is with an Ottawa office tea service. After all, coffee and tea are how most employees start the workday. So,...

  • The key to a great Vancouver break room goes beyond just snacks and drinks (although those are important, too!). So, what is the secret to taking your break room to the next level? We're glad you asked! It’s adding innovative...

  • Taking that first sip of coffee in the morning is one of the simple joys in life... many Canadians certainly agree. In fact, 75% of them have consumed coffee within the past 24 hours. Yep, it's true! So, it's no...

  • A healthy workforce is a productive and happy one! When it comes down to it, healthier employees have more energy and focus, which is essential to completing great work. Not only that, but healthy employees use fewer sick days. Yes,...

  • Did you know our Avenue C micro-market service is one of the latest advancements in the vending industry? Well, you do now! So, what makes this service different from traditional Winnipeg vending machines? For starters, they feature open shelving, glass-front...

  • After a long summer, fall is finally here! And with that comes all of the delicious foods and flavours of the season. Embrace everything that autumn has to offer with seasonal flavours in your Kingston coffee service. Whether you have...

  • The break room is essential for enhancing your Prescott workplace culture and employee satisfaction. To create a welcoming space, investing in your break room's overall experience is essential. This will help build an inclusive environment and encourage employees to enjoy...

  • Let’s be honest, everyone loves free stuff! Especially when it comes to free food and drinks at work. Therefore, a high-quality Gatineau office pantry service is an excellent way to set your business apart. Complimentary snacks are a simple way...

  • Recently, the coffee industry has embraced the trend of sustainable coffee solutions. How? With companies prioritizing Fairtrade and organically sourced beans. So, why is this important? Keep reading to find out! Below, we're breaking down ethically sourced coffee's positive impact...

  • If there’s one employee benefit that everyone can appreciate, it’s office pantry services. Who doesn't love free snacks and drinks, right? And yes, we did say free! Therefore, if you're looking to increase your workplace benefits, you might want to...

  • Drinking water at work just got more fun! How? With Bevi, of course! Today, we're breaking down all the benefits of having a hydrated workforce and how a Bevi water cooler can help you achieve this. So, what if we...

  • You've decided you want to add an office coffee service in your Regina break room. So, what's the next step? First, you'll want to find a reliable refreshment service provider who understands your business's needs. And guess what...That's our specialty!...

  • Summer is in full swing, and you know what that means? It's time to stock your break room with light and refreshing items. And guess what! As Saskatoon's go-to refreshment services provider, we know exactly what you're looking for! Together,...

  • When you partner with us, the possibilities for superior refreshment services are endless. From an Avenue C micro-market to an office coffee service, we can craft your Quebec City break room's perfect fit. In addition, there are many perks that...

  • What makes modern vending machines a Vancouver break room must-have? To put it simply, it benefits your team. No, we're not kidding! For instance, vending machines provide quality grab-and-go snacks, drinks, and even fresh food. So, employees in a rush...

  • What's so beneficial about having an office coffee service? You're about to find out! For starters, it helps your staff stay alert and focused throughout the day without leaving the office. Next, it's a great way to boost office morale...

  • Offering a wide range of fresh food options in your Toronto break room has many benefits - for your team and business! First, it eliminates the need to leave the office when hunger strikes. Second, it can help your employees...

  • In today's fast paced world, the need for quality grab-and-go refreshments has greatly increased. For instance, having a reliable place to find delicious and satisfying meals can help reduce your team's need to travel when hunger strikes. Therefore, many Gatineau...

  • Should you consider adding an office coffee service to your Ottawa break room? Well, did you know that taking frequent breaks throughout the workday has several benefits? No, we're not kidding! For example, stepping away from your desk more often...

  • How can our office snacks service help your business? In short, employees love to feel valued and appreciated. What better way to do this than by giving them free snacks and drinks to enjoy? And yes, we mean free! When...

  • Do you want the best vending service Cambridge has to offer? Of course you do! And we'll let you in on a little secret... your employees do too! However, there are many things to consider while shopping for a premium...

  • There is a lot that goes into crafting the perfect Vancouver coffee service. For starters, it's not just about the coffee you stock on the shelves. Nope, that is only a part of the process. In fact, your brewer can...

  • Today, many Ottawa companies are focusing on eco-friendly practices at the office. This includes, boosting their recycling efforts and reducing waste. With small changes, your company can make a big impact. I bet you didn't realize that your break room...

  • Why should you consider a career with Canteen Canada? For starters, our encouraging and inclusive workplace culture. Second, do you love your job and feel supported by a company that wants you to excel in your career? If you answered...

  • As the New Year approaches, now's the time to upgrade your Calgary vending services! Why? Simple, a healthy vending service is a great way to set both your employees and your company up for success! Living a healthier lifestyle is...

  • With the New Year, comes new opportunities to upgrade your Kingston refreshment services. Did you know the break room is often considered the "heart" of the office? This might sound silly, but what brings people together the most? If you...

  • As this year comes to a close, we think it would be fun to uncover the most popular snack items in your Montreal break room. As Canada's largest national vending service provider, this information is extremely important to us. Why?...

  • Ever heard of an office snacks pantry service? If not, get ready to learn about the best employee retention tool out there! Our Prescott office snacks program offers free snack and drink items right in your break room. That’s right!...

  • As you begin to welcome your Victoria employees back into the office, you’ve also got to keep in mind how to reopen your break room safely. Feeding your employees is a must, but how? While it seems like a big...

  •   Who is Canteen Canada? We are the nation’s largest vending service provider for vending, micro-markets, coffee, and office snack services.   Our promise is to help our customers take the best breaks possible. You might ask, "how do you make...

  • Bring happiness into your Vancouver break room with our premium coffee services. Did you know, there are several benefits to upgrading your coffee service and tea program? Yep, that's right! Some of these benefits include higher productivity levels, improved office...

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